In the Profiles list, expand the Stateful Kerberos Authentication Profile. Navigate to the Configuration > Security > Authentication > 元 Authentication page. To create and configure a new instance of a stateful Kerberos authentication profile via the WebUI: 1. When the user logs off or shuts down the client machine, the user remains in the authenticated role until the user ages out, that is, until the user has sent no traffic for the amount of time specified in the User Idle Timeout setting in the Configuration > Security > Authentication > Advanced page. For details on defining a windows server used for Kerberos authentication, see Configuring a Windows Server.

The Stateful Kerberos Authentication profile requires that you specify a server group which includes the Kerberos servers and the role to be assigned to users who are successfully authenticated. Configuring Stateful Kerberos Authentication Configuring Stateful Kerberos Authentication